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Course Overview


Organizations in today's fast-moving environment have to constantly change in order to meet the needs of its clients and to grow. Change impacts on people thus necessary to have “change management” in order to increase the probability   that the expected change objectives are achieved.

Change management is a structured approach for ensuring that changes are thoroughly and smoothly implemented, and that the lasting benefits of change are achieved.

The change management training course has been developed to introduce participants to practical tools and techniques that will enable them to better understand their people during change or transformation of their business. It will also provide them with clear methodologies that will assist them in influencing the change for the organization and the people within it.




At the end of this course,  participants will be able to:


  • Apply a structured and well thought out approach to successful organizational change.
  • Assess the impact of change particularly on people and how they, as individuals and teams, move from the current situation to the new one
  • Build support among key stakeholders
  • Learn a  change model that will help to move people through the various stages of change.
  • Understanding the elements that might get in the way of effective change and how  to  overcome barriers  and resistance .
  • Be able to lead employees through both
    radical and incremental change.
  • Tackle change more effectively at a personal level.
  • Develop an  action plan  for  implementation   post the  training.




Anyone in a position of managing or leading others will benefit from this training. It is suitable for anyone involved in the change process in a business environment and leaders that need to implement change.




2 days




Definition   :   what  is change  management  and  its  importance  in the success   of organizational  change.


Setting  the context :   Examine  drivers  of change,  what will  change ,types  of  change   and elements  of change.


Case   for  change  :   Provide  a  methodology   and structure  for  developing  a compelling case    for change


Planning   for  change :   Introduce participants to practical tools and techniques that will enable them understand their people during transformation of their business.


Influencing  change  :  Provide methodologies that will assist  participants in  influencing the change for the organization and the people within .


Communicating Change : 
Reviewing the principles of communication during change focusing on the benefits  good communication will have and creating a strategy based on this knowledge. 


Change  roles :    The  four  Primary   roles in change. 


Stakeholder management :  Carry out a  stakeholder  assessment and generate a stakeholder management  plan -  Identify  stakeholders, - Carry out stake holder assessment ,- Scan predictable forces triggered by the change and generate a  plan of action.


Impact of change :  The  Change curve  and  strategy  to manage each  stage of the curve.


Resistance to Change - Understanding why people may  be resistant to change and knowing what  to do to overcome this. Explore a simple model that will help participants move people through the various stages of change.


Implementing Change : Introduce participants to Kotter’s  8-step change model for helping managers deal with transformational change. 


Action  planning– Identify  3  to 4  main  areas  of  action and prepare  an action  plan